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Man is the only being who is aware of his mortality in advance. Old age fits well into the social concept of life. It is perceived as something natural.

Photo: gdemoideti.ru

In 2013 , researchers published a scientific work, in which a number of factors contributing to the aging of the body were identified. The authors suggested that these factors are the cause of aging.

Unstable genome

A well-functioning genome ensures the production of necessary and useful substances in the corresponding cells, such as proteins. However, the genome is affected by external and internal factors that lead to damage to DNA chains. The body is able to recognize and eliminate these damages, but over time their number increases, which can lead to the formation of malignant substances and the development of oncological and degenerative diseases.

Telomere shortening

Telomeres are the end sections of DNA in cells that perform a protective function. With each cell division, their shortening occurs, which is a natural process. However, there are factors contributing to the acceleration of this process — oxidative stress, inflammation and prolonged stress. Shortening of telomeres can lead to disruption of the connection of DNA ends and the development of various diseases, including autoimmune, infectious, respiratory and mental.

Epigenome changes

An epigenome is a protrusion at the DNA chain that can control genes without interfering with the DNA structure. Changes in the epigenome affect what products our genes produce. When this system does not work correctly (the necessary genes are "turned off" and unnecessary ones are "turned on"), the risk of developing age-related diseases increases, as well as diabetes, osteoporosis and neurological diseases. 

Protein imbalance

The cells of the body contain proteins that control almost all chemical processes. During the life cycle of a cell, the products of cellular metabolism can damage proteins, which makes them unable to fully perform their functions or even makes them harmful. This is clearly demonstrated in the case of Alzheimer's disease, in which brain proteins are improperly folded, which leads to the development of the disease.

Impaired sensitivity to nutrients

Due to the too active metabolism of cells, they age faster. This happens because with age, metabolic byproducts accumulate in cells that interfere with the work of molecules. As a result, the body receives a signal about the need for additional nutrition. And too active metabolism, in turn, shortens the life cycle of the cell, which can lead to the development of diabetes, obesity and other metabolic syndromes.

Mitochondrial dysfunction

Mitochondria, which are responsible for generating most of the cell's energy, also produce free radicals that can damage any molecules they interact with. As a result, the damage accumulates and leads to the destruction of the cell. Although free radicals can contribute to the destruction of cells if any damage occurs in them and they become unusable, it is now generally assumed that they play this role.

Cellular aging

The cells of most organisms have the ability to multiply or divide, but only a limited number of times. This property helps prevent the spread of mutations throughout the body. When cell division stops, it either self-destructs or remains waiting for removal by immune cells. However, with age, the effectiveness of the immune system decreases, and it increasingly skips aging cells. As a result, their number in the body increases, and they can provoke inflammatory processes, release free radicals that damage other cells, and contribute to the aging of the body as a whole.

Accelerated agingе

Doctor Ирина Юзуп shared information about why people age faster and how it can be предотвратить. Here are some factors that affect the aging of the body:

  • toxins that accumulate over a lifetime;  
  • excessive intake of "fast carbohydrates" into the body;  
  • the presence of a chronic infection;  
  • excess trans fats and omega-6;  
  • stress, sleep disorders;  
  • decreased testosterone/estrogen levels;  
  • fatness;  
  • mental, physical fatigue;  
  • infections, inflammatory diseases;  
  • smoking, alcohol. 

Slowing down aging

Despite the fact that aging is inevitable, it is quite possible to slow it down. To do this, you should reconsider your lifestyle and make some useful habits:

  1. A properly balanced diet. Eat foods high in antioxidants and phytonutrients. For example, vegetables, fruits and healthy proteins (often meat on store shelves only accelerates the aging process, as it contains hormones and antibiotics);  
  2. Clean water. Many people do not realize the full significance of ordinary water, replacing it with carbonated drinks, juices, tea or coffee. However, water is an incredibly important and necessary element, as it helps the body to remove waste products, toxins and slags, thereby protecting us from harmful substances. In urban conditions, it is recommended to use water previously passed through a filter;  
  3. Nutrients. To slow down aging, there should be enough different vitamins in the body. It is better to get them from natural sources: seeds and nuts, flax seeds, fish; 
  4. Proper and healthy sleep slows down the aging process and reduces the level of emotional stress. 7 – 9 hours of sleep is enough for a full rest of the body;  
  5. Physical activity. Going to the gym and walking in the fresh air increase energy, reduce stress levels. Adults aged 18-64 years should perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity during the week or at least 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic physical activity during the week or an equivalent combination of moderate and high-intensity exercises.

In general, one of the keys to good health is a good immune system that requires a healthy lifestyle. First of all, try not to forget about rational nutrition and walking in the fresh air. This will be the first step towards longevity and eternal youth.