
Everyone has ever faced various situations in which they could experience panic and fear. Some people can share their experiences and talk about them with those they trust, while others keep their concerns secret. 

In everyday life, we all communicate with people around us, whether they are friends or work colleagues. Most of us feel at ease in the company or in a personal conversation with other people. But from time to time we have to address a mass audience and speak in front of the public. For example, telling a given poem at school or a new project at work. Even those who are professionally engaged in public speaking experience excitement: politicians, artists, teachers.

At such moments, it can be difficult for people to gather their thoughts and confidently express their opinion. The reason for this is the fear of public speaking. 

This fear consists in the manifestation of subconscious phobias. For example, a person may be afraid of making a mistake or being ridiculed. Internal panic negatively affects the mood before the performance for an unfamiliar and mass audience.

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What is the fear of public speaking and why does it arise? 

Worries and fear of public speaking is a problem that appears when negative thoughts affect our well—being too much, and excitement arises. 

Fear of public speaking is a form of social phobias. In science, this term is called glossophobia. Translated from Greek, it means "fear of language". 

This fear arises when a person ceases to control his emotions. Thus, to overcome this, you need to take your feelings and the situation under control, try to gain confidence in yourself and your abilities. 

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Causes of fear at performances

Each person is an individual, and the reasons for the fear of public speaking may vary, depending on the characteristics of each. A very important reason for the fear of performances is the attitude of a person to the audience. If he behaves disposed and positive, then there will be no excitement. Also, the most common causes of fear are not very successful experience associated with public speaking, self-doubt or fear of public condemnation or disapproval. 

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Fear and anxiety before public performances are expressed in increased pressure, trembling in the limbs, dry mouth. Very often people feel that their legs become "wadded". 

Ways to overcome the fear of performing in public

Let's analyze specific recommendations: how to overcome the fear of public speaking?

First of all, you should study the basic material in detail, it is very useful to think in advance what questions may arise and how to answer them, because you need to be prepared for everything. 

On a piece of paper, you can write a brief synopsis or a speech plan to be able to use the hint. Try performing in front of a group of friends, family, or a mirror — it will be a great workout. 

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To make the performance more vivid, interesting and understandable for the audience, you should prepare a presentation with pictures. Practice reading the text or record your speech on a dictaphone to listen to yourself from the outside. You can also attend courses in public speaking, where you will be taught especially important skills for public speaking. 

You need to pay attention to the voice, especially how loud and distinct it sounds. Rehearse your gestures and your posture, because the more carefully a person prepares for a performance, the more effective the result of reaching the audience will be. The personal state will also become calmer during the performance itself. So the person will regain control of what is happening, and the fear will noticeably decrease.

It is not difficult to become a confident speaker if a person is confident in himself. 

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