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Modern life is unthinkable without the Internet. There are hardly any people left who do not own a social media account.

Only yesterday computers and phones appeared, and today they are already an integral part of our lives. Ten years ago, they were a luxury not available to everyone, and now it is impossible to imagine a house without modern communications.

Photo: zv-prhost.ru


Let's talk about the positive aspects of this phenomenon. Why do people find social media so interesting?

Communication is one of the easiest ways to keep in touch with all your friends and relatives for one day. It is easily accessible and saves a lot of time and money, unlike phone calls (especially if your relatives are abroad).

New acquaintances, the search for a soul mate, finding new friends – all this brings people together and allows you to get to know anyone without much difficulty. It is enough just to write to the person of interest. Naturally, it is not always possible to count on an answer, but there is still an opportunity.

No geographical boundaries – the ability to communicate and find friends in different cities and even countries! There are no restrictions here, you only need to know the language. English, at least, or, ideally, the language of the interlocutor. Such opportunities cannot but please. Many people dream of traveling abroad, and social networks provide an opportunity to establish international contacts, learn from local residents what to take with you, what the climate is in the country of interest and where you can go. Many even make friends in other countries and visit them as guests. This allows you to spend time pleasantly, get a free guide and save on the hotel.


The news feed, which is present in almost all social networks, reports on the latest developments in various spheres of our lives. Moreover, useful tips, recipes and interesting information are posted there. From the outside, it looks like a center for collecting the most interesting information from the entire Internet, and in fact it is.


Today, earning money on social networks is no longer uncommon. Due to the popularity of their page, the user can earn a good amount. In addition to this, there is an opportunity to meet famous and influential people from various fields: photographers, scientists, models, musicians, producers and others. In other words, there is always a chance to prove yourself if you have certain skills and aspirations.

Фото: equalitynow.ru


However, there is a downside to all this. Let's analyze the disadvantages of active use of social networks.


Some websites are literally filled with viruses and malicious files, as well as suspicious links that can not only harm, but also "kill" your computer.


Social networks can be compared to a bad habit, for example, smoking. We always want to go to social networks, check out what's going on there. Also, over time, we often become dependent on the opinions of other people.


Sitting on social networks can lead to the development of various kinds of phobias in people. Having learned all the advantages of the Internet, they may lose the skills of dating and communication in real life. The problem is not that they forget how to do it, but that they become uncomfortable.


It is quite easy to fall for the tricks of scammers and criminals on the web. Even adults are not immune from fraudulent tricks. Even worse, crimes committed on social networks are often difficult to solve, unlike crimes committed in real life.