Today, the Manege Central exhibition hall has reopened its doors to people who are interested in the field of interior design. 

An endless stream of people

From the very morning, queues began to form at the entrance: at first there were not so many people, but by lunchtime a small line turned into a giant semicircle of those who wanted to look at design art. The queue occupied the entire space between the exhibition hall and the Okhotny Ryad shopping center and did not decrease until the very end of the exhibition.

"Such a large crowd causes a stir and a huge interest in what is hidden behind these doors"

— one of the guests who heroically defended this queue shared with us.

A huge queue at the entrance to the Manege Central Exhibition Center | Alexandra Rotarchuk

Guests of the event

Most visitors are familiar with the field of design firsthand: almost everyone is a direct part of it. During the whole event, we managed to communicate with beginning and continuing designers, owners of design studios and bureaus, 3D visualizers and many others. Someone came here to gain experience and inspiration, someone to learn more about current trends and look at new items, and someone to look for something for their own home.

The program of the first day

All the diversity of the Moscow interior and design week was located on three floors, where everyone could find objects of interest to him. The first thing we got to the ground floor: there is an interior store located here, where each participant put up for sale their goods. A lot of handmade work was presented. Basically, they were some decorative elements: candles, figurines, flower islands in glass aquariums, etc. But it was also possible to find various materials that would be useful in the repair. 

Interior shop on the ground floor | Alexandra Rotarchuk

We managed to communicate with a representative of the company «Wire magical», which has been creating sculptures and wire products for more than 10 years:

What is it like to exhibit your products at the Moscow Interior and Design Week? 

— I participated in the last exhibition, it was extremely fruitful, I liked all the conditions, so I really wanted to come back here this year. Here new connections, acquaintances and, of course, new orders are acquired. I am very grateful to our government, which provides such support to our profession.

Stand with sculptures and wire products | Alexandra Rotarchuk

Then we go up to the first floor: all the main actions of the event take place here. The entire space is lined with stands of more than 650 companies, design bureaus and interior studios, — Kristina Kostroma, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of Moscow, said at a press conference.

At the very end of the hall there is a design lecture hall: guests could sit comfortably on chairs and ottomans and listen to lectures about the prices of design projects, their importance in planning repairs, basic mistakes and much more. Among the experts today were the founder and head of the design and architecture studio «Moro Design» — Pierangelo Moro, landscape designer and architect – Peter Lari and others.

Pierangelo Moro gives a lecture on design projects and their cost | Alexandra Rotarchuk

An agreement on the construction of a multifunctional center in Dubai was signed there today by Eduard Ratnikov and Bupesh Kamble.

Signing of an agreement on the construction of a multifunctional center in Dubai | Alexandra Rotarchuk

Going up to the second floor, we found ourselves on a spacious balcony with a view of the entire interior exhibition. Immediately we found its continuation: international authors and companies from Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Peru are located here.

On the balcony itself there was a zone of master classes that were held there throughout the day. We managed to attend a master class on interior decoration for the New Year. On the eve of the holidays, a huge number of people gathered around Tamara Krutsko, a professional Christmas decorator. The visitors learned about the rules and features of the New Year's decor in various styles, such as minimalism or neoclassicism, and also put together a real composition together with the speaker.

Tamara Krutsko conducts a master class on New Year's interior decoration | Alexandra Rotarchuk

Immediately hungry guests had an excellent opportunity to visit the buffet, and those who are currently under renovation — to receive individual design advice

"There is something to see"

The event began extremely intense and diverse. The visitors were pleasantly impressed and shared it with us:

Of course, there were also negative reviews: several people said that the event turned out to be "very weak" and did not meet their expectations. But mostly, there were more words of praise: the guests praised the content of the lectures, the huge number of exhibits, beautiful and unusual products. Almost unanimous verdict: "There is something to see."

Of course, there were also negative reviews: several people said that the event turned out to be "very weak" and did not meet their expectations. But mostly, there were more words of praise: the guests praised the content of the lectures, the huge number of exhibits, beautiful and unusual products. Almost unanimous verdict: "There is something to see."

Recall that the Moscow Interior and Design Week will last for four days: from October 28 to October 31. You can visit it at any time from 10:00 to 19:00 in the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege". More detailed information about the lectures and master classes that are expected in the following days can be found on the MNIID website (Moscow interior and design Week).