На территории парка “Зарядье” проходит мероприятие BRICS+ FASHION SUMMIT. С 28 ноября по 2 декабря в Москве пройдут мероприятия с главными лицами моды, модные показы в разных точках Москвы. Встречи с популярными звездами фешин индустрии.

International Youth media “The word is ours!” provides information support for the event

On November 29, one of the most interesting events of the BRICS+ Fashion Summit took place — a conversation with experts in the field of fashion and marketing about promotion on social networks: "Marketing with a wow effect. Impact content in the fashion industry." The impact content mentioned in the title of the lecture is, first of all, the impact on the viewer, the ability to bring him to emotions and thus interest him. 

Gennady Lokhtin

One of the speakers was the head of the Yandex Market Department Store, Gennady Lokhtin. He shared with the audience his thoughts about working on marketplaces. The expert noted that now it is necessary to make great efforts to ensure that the goods are bought. "A conscious purchase is happening на седьмое касание", — Gennady declared. It turns out that in order for a person to say "oh, I've seen this somewhere, I've heard about such a brand somewhere", you need to create 7 points of contact with the audience. These can be advertising banners, a blogger's story, mentioning friends, and so on. Only after that, a potential customer can become consciously interested in the brand. 

Lokhtin also spoke about the principles of how marketplaces work with local and small brands. First, when forming the price, it is worth considering that the mark-up (i.e., price increase, margin) is on average from 3 to 5. It is important for "newcomers" to take this into account in order to navigate the large marketplace market. Secondly, in order to get into the market, "you need to be брендом"You can't just sew off a couple of T-shirts and become one, you need "clothes to be on stream." In addition, it is worth considering that the marketplace works like a showcase: nothing is delayed in warehouses, so novice brands can safely start selling in small batches. 

Interestingly, even very small bloggers have the opportunity to cooperate with the market, because, according to Lokhtin, "each of them can be effective in their own way." The head of the Department Store made an interesting comparison: "Microinfluencers are like outdoor advertising: everyone understands that they are needed, but it is unclear how to use them." For cooperation, the market must clearly understand that you are a brand, you are aimed at your audience and it actively reacts to you.Interestingly, even very small bloggers have the opportunity to cooperate with the market, because, according to Lokhtin, "each of them can be effective in their own way." The head of the Department Store made an interesting comparison: "Microinfluencers are like outdoor advertising: everyone understands that they are needed, but it is unclear how to use them." For cooperation, the market must clearly understand that you are a brand, you are aimed at your audience and it actively reacts to you.

Ruslan Martynov

The creative Director of AE Corporation expressed interesting thoughts about brand promotion. For example, recently he was engaged in spring and summer filming for the Tsvetnoy department store. He explained the course of his thoughts to the audience."The best ideas always lie on the surface. The name of the department store "Tsvetnoy" is a color, something colored; spring, summer is warmth. So you just need to combine it all and reflect it in the shooting. The thermal imager helped us with this — the shooting was done with it." 

Regarding the fascination of content and the creation of a special term "impact content", Martynov said that "by definition, it [content] should be cool, memorable and working. Creativity is the most effective means of promotion, but it needs to be done subtly and accurately." 

Photo source: International youth media "The word is ours!"

Aristide Lua and Marshal Matsamvira 

The speakers came to the forum from Africa and brought interesting ideas with them. The director of Zimbabwe Fashion Week, Marshal Matsamvira, said that it is important to pay attention to "fast fashion" and be careful with it. The speaker emphasized not only the quality of the product, but also the environmental friendliness of its creation: "We are talking about regenerative fashion, it is important to use raw materials grown independently by the brand." Aristide Lua, creative director and creator of the Kente Gentlemen brand, drew attention to the importance of developing social networks to promote the brand. In addition, after the lecture, he shared with the journalists of our publication the idea of the need to hold such BRICS+ Fashion Summit international fashion events to mix ideas and attract new customers to the works of designers from around the world. 

Alexey Zhidkovsky

Perhaps the most long-awaited guest at the event was Alexey Zhidkovsky. The millionaire blogger talked about how to make sure that your brand is not forgotten. 

«Индустрия моды чем-то похожа на ресторанный бизнес», — заявил Жидковский. Сейчас уже нет многих брендов, которые были популярны 20 лет назад. «Это происходит потому, что они ничего нового не предлагают. Ситуация, как с ресторанами: постоянно должны появляться новые точки и случаться новые открытия. Очень сложно с обычной базой запомниться людям. Всегда нужно напоминать: «я есть, я здесь». В индустрии моды такой эффект достигается за счет различных показов, коллабораций. Это необходимо, иначе бренд быстро затухнет».

The blogger also shared his thoughts on how to make advertising more effective. According to Zhidkovsky, the model should be selected according to the type, "you can not put a blonde girl Masha in the role of a homeless person." It is necessary that the model corresponds to the internal and external appearance of the brand. The blogger also noted that advertising through Telegram channels is especially good, because they work like personal messages - people will read your posts anyway, this is literally direct contact with the audience. 

Zhidkovsky did not remain silent about future collaborations. So, in the near future we will see the result of his collaboration with the jewelry brand Viva la Vika. The blogger plans to create accessories with his signature cap and with various popular phrases.